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Miromaa Language Program

VACL recently presented a two day workshop to those interested in becoming more familiar with the Miromaa software program designed to assist communities in language reclamation. The word Miromaa means 'saved' in the Awabakal language (near Newcastle) and it aptly describes this software that is currently being accepted internationally by first nations people in their language reclaimation activities.
The Miromaa software provides an opportunity for linguists and others interested in preserving their language to organize, analyse and disseminate language information in a simple logical manner that can easily be understood within a few hours of training. This well designed Australian software enables users to develop good archival practices and the opportunity to incorporate audio, video and images along with the text. Once language materials has been uploaded into the database the database can then be easily manipulated to develop specific worksheets etc.for training purposes.
Further information about the Miromaa program can be obtained from the following website.